2016 PCD Student Research Paper Contest
Call for Participation

Preventing Chronic Disease (PCD) announces its 2016 Student Research Paper Contest. PCD is looking for high school, undergraduate and graduate students as well as medical residency and recent post-doctoral fellows to submit papers relevant to the prevention, screening, surveillance, and/or population-based intervention of chronic diseases, including but not limited to arthritis, asthma, cancer, depression, diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular disease.
PCD is a peer-reviewed electronic journal established to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners in chronic disease prevention and health promotion. The journal is published weekly by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.
Submission Requirements:
PCD uses PCD Manuscript Central for manuscript submission and tracking. Before submitting your manuscript, read the instructions below in addition to the information provided on the PCD website under manuscript requirements.
- Participants must be a currently enrolled student or have completed one of the following programs within the last 12 months: high school, undergraduate, graduate, medical residency or post-doctoral fellowship conducted under the supervision of a principle investigator.
- Participants must prepare a cover letter, indicating their interest in being considered for the student contest, where they are enrolled, and the name and contact information of their major advisor. In addition, participants should address all routinely required disclosures in the cover letter. Visit How to Submit a Manuscript to learn more about general cover letter requirements.
- Participants must provide a letter of recommendation from their advisor confirming the student’s enrollment and that the research was conducted while in training under the advisor’s supervision. The advisor’s letter must confirm that the student conceptualized the analysis and was the primary author of the manuscript.
- Participants should submit the cover letter and advisor letter when they submit the manuscript.
- Manuscripts must report on research done while in one of the qualifying student/training statuses listed above.
- The research must have been completed within the last 12 months.
- Manuscripts must not be published previously or submitted elsewhere for publication.
- Papers must represent original research submitted in Original Research format. Other article types will not be considered. For a detailed explanation, see types of articles.
- Papers must be received electronically no later than 5:00 PM EST on January 18, 2016.
- Detailed submission guidelines can be found on the PCD website.
- The winning manuscript will be recognized on the PCD website and will be published in a September 2016 PCD release with an accompanying editorial, podcast interview, and social media promotion of the manuscript.
- The winning author will be invited to participate in the panel review process for the 2017 Student Research Paper Contest. Publication:
- Other manuscripts may be accepted for publication depending on the outcome of the peer review process. Accepted manuscripts which remain in the contest after the second round of contest review will be published after the winning paper is published and will be recognized as submissions to the student contest.