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AAGP Scholars Program Information for Applicants 9-17-2015

Interested in Geriatric Psychiatry? We are pleased to announce that scholarships are available for medical students and psychiatry residents to attend the AAGP Annual Meeting in March 2016 in Washington DC. In addition to receiving travel funds, scholarship recipients will have the opportunity to participate in an exciting one-day interactive workshop designed for trainees to learn more about geriatric psychiatry. If you know students or residents who may be interested in this unique opportunity, please pass this information on to them. Visit for more information and an application. Applications are due October 1, 2015.  

Check out the GMHF Scholars 2015 Video!

Applications Due:  October 1, 2015

GMHF Honors Scholarships

These scholarships are available to Psychiatry residents in their firstsecond, or third year of training and will be granted to the most highly qualified applicants as determined by the selection committee.


  • A one-year membership in the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry
  • Registration to the AAGP Annual Meeting
  • Travel costs and 3 nights' hotel accommodations to participate in the Scholars Program held at the AAGP Annual Meeting
  • A full day of programming at the annual meeting
  • Participation in an academic project related to Geriatric psychiatry under the supervision of an assigned mentor


    By accepting the scholarship, Honors scholars agree to complete the following requirements:

    • Attend ALL of the Scholars Program events at the annual meeting, which include a full day of programming for trainees, lunch with an assigned mentor, attendance at the Honors Scholars Alumni Session and a donor reception.  A schedule of scholar-related and required activities will be sent to award recipients in advance of the annual meeting.
    • Complete a scholarly project related to geriatric psychiatry.  Three to four Honors Scholars will be selected to present their work at the subsequent AAGP annual meeting.
    • Attend at least one AAGP committee or caucus meeting during the AAGP annual meeting

      GMHF General Scholarships

      These scholarships are available to medical students in a LCME- or COCA-accredited medical school.


      GMHF General Scholarships provide trainees with the following benefits:

      • A one-year membership in the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry
      • Registration to the AAGP annual meeting
      • A travel stipend to help defray travel expenses to attend the AAGP Annual Meeting. The amount of the travel stipend is determined annually, based on the funding available.
      • A full day of programming at the annual meeting
      • Voluntary participation in an academic project related to Geriatric psychiatry under the supervision of an assigned mentor


        By accepting the scholarship, General scholars agree to complete the following requirements:

        • Attend ALL of the Scholars Program events at the annual meeting, which include a full day of programming for trainees, lunch with an assigned mentor, attendance at the Honors Scholars Alumni Session and a donor reception.  A schedule of scholar-related and required activities will be sent to award recipients in advance of the annual meeting.
        • GMHF General Scholars are encouraged, but not required, to work on a scholarly project related to geriatric psychiatry.

          *** Due to the competitive nature of these limited scholarships, the GMHF will not be able to award scholarships to individuals who have been awarded an Honors scholarship in a previous year; General Scholars will be eligible for Honors Scholarship once they apply as Psychiatry residents.